Mastering Lesson Plan Design: Strategies for Creating Engaging Art Classes
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Mastering Lesson Plan Design: Strategies for Creating Engaging Art Classes

“To complicate is simple, to simplify is difficult.” – Bruno Munari Have you ever kicked off a class by asking a seemingly trivial question like, “What color is the snow?” Simple questions like these can open up a world of discovery. In this post, we’ll walk through my process for designing lesson plans that are…

The “New” Education Vocabulary

The “New” Education Vocabulary

Diving into the world of education can sometimes feel like learning a new language. From “emotional literacy” to “Culturally Responsive Teaching,” the vocabulary of teaching and learning is ever-expanding, reflecting the dynamic nature of the field. That’s why this friendly glossary has been put together. Think of it as an educational compass, guiding you through…

Ask A stupid question day_Art Sprouts

It’s #Ask a Stupid Question Day: Let’s Get Curious!

Do you ever have questions that you’re too scared to ask? Maybe you think they’re too silly or trivial, or you’re afraid someone might laugh at you? Well, guess what? Today is your day! It’s #Ask a Stupid Question Day, and we’re celebrating all the silly, crazy, and curious questions you can think of. Why…