open-ended play

Play Like a Surrealist: 13 Surrealist Games and Techniques to Unleash Kids Creativity
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Play Like a Surrealist: 13 Surrealist Games and Techniques to Unleash Kids Creativity

Reading Time: 11 minutes Want to inspire your child’s creativity in unique and fun ways? These 13 Surrealist games and art techniques will ignite their imaginations, offering hands-on activities that blend art and play. From dream-inspired drawing to imaginative collages, these techniques will have your kids thinking like true Surrealists.

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What is the Reggio Emilia Approach? | Intro to Reggio Emilia Teaching for Parents and Teachers

Reading Time: 8 minutes The Reggio Emilia approach is an innovative teaching philosophy that emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and community. This method was created by Loris Malaguzzi and a group of parents in Reggio Emilia, Italy, after World War II. It is known globally for its focus on children’s learning. [ref] “Three Approaches from Europe: Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia,” Carolyn…