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Unlock Imagination: Calder Fish Mobile Lesson – A Vibrant Dive into Kinetic Art & Modernism

This Calder fish mobile lesson has become a bit of a staple around here as there’s more to it than meets the eye. While we aren’t crafting a “true” mobile with every piece dancing around, this project is a great first step into some other big ideas.Ever heard of kinetic art? This project gives kids…

Play Like a Surrealist: 13 Surrealist Games and Techniques to Unleash Kids Creativity
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Play Like a Surrealist: 13 Surrealist Games and Techniques to Unleash Kids Creativity

Want to inspire your child’s creativity in unique and fun ways? These 13 Surrealist games and art techniques will ignite their imaginations, offering hands-on activities that blend art and play. From dream-inspired drawing to imaginative collages, these techniques will have your kids thinking like true Surrealists.

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Involuntary Sculpture: Tactile Art Exploration

Before fidget spinners became a thing, restless students used to torment pens with their fingers. There are some interesting studies that argue that fidgeting actually improves memory and learning tests scores, or at the very least recognizes it as a subconscious attempt to increase arousal in order to improve attention.

How to Create Calligram Poetry: Surrealism Art Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan
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How to Create Calligram Poetry: Surrealism Art Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan

What is a Calligram poem?

A calligram is a word or piece of text in which the design and layout of the letters creates a visual image related to the meaning of the words themselves.

This Lesson plan includes the history, contemporary use of calligram, as well as examples from different cultures. The practical inquiry encompasses four activities and art explorations.