What is Visible Learning?

In the landscape of modern education, the concept of visible learning has taken center stage, reshaping how we think about teaching and learning. At its heart, visible learning is all about making the learning process transparent and accessible to everyone involved. It’s a shift towards transparency, where the journey of acquiring knowledge isn’t hidden within the

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What is loose parts play?

Loose parts play refers to a style of play that involves open-ended materials or objects that can be manipulated, moved, and combined in countless ways by children. These materials are called “loose parts” because they are not fixed or limited in their use. They can be anything from natural elements like sticks, stones, and leaves to everyday objects such as buttons, fabric scraps, or empty

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It’s #Ask a Stupid Question Day: Let’s Get Curious!

Do you ever have questions that you’re too scared to ask? Maybe you think they’re too silly or trivial, or you’re afraid someone might laugh at you? Well, guess what? Today is your day! It’s #Ask a Stupid Question Day, and we’re celebrating all the silly, crazy, and curious questions you can think of. Why

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